Saturday, November 14, 2015

Pay Your Real Estate Broker / Agent on Time!

When it comes to payment matters, the professionals make it a point to pay on time. It's very important that these payments are made either on time or well before time as that strengthens the bond between you and the Real Estate Broker / Agent. 

What it also does is that you become a priority customer to them and winning their attention is never a challenge if you are able to pay up as soon as you can. The Sri Lankan property owners are gently gathering more respect toward the professional brokers/agents and this is a good sign. 

You real estate broker / agent is not just a person like anybody else, he/she is you property partner, your property advocate and can be very useful to you in real estate matters. After the police and the secret intelligence of any country, it's the real estate folks that know what exactly is going on. 

If you are thinking of ditching a professional broker / agent after you have used their services, be careful as this goes a long way, in a world where everything is available in the space of a few clicks, a lot can happen and can be done to tarnish and blacklist you if you mess around. 

Sometimes, the evil curse of money takes a toll on your head and you might think, 'Why should I let them make money from my property?' but the fact of the matter is that they have brought you the money in the form of a client and it is your duty to ensure that they too benefit just like you do. 

It must be said that there are property owners and clients in Sri Lanka who treat their Property Brokers/ Agents like family and when it comes to payments, they make it on time and sometimes offer a complimentary gift or an extra amount (tip) as a token of appreciation. 

'No one should say this to me - When I walk on the road, that man owes me money!' Were the words of a property owner who ensured that he left no debt and that is exactly the mentality of a perfect property owner. After all, the fee is a very small amount.

'Before the sweat on the forehead of the worker dries, you must pay him', were the words of a wise man when it came to honouring a business deal. Make your payments on time and make them count. The relationship you build with people is more important than any of the materialistic pleasures this world has to offer. Good luck!!!

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