Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Inventory Checking!!!

Do you check the inventory when you move in? How does this work? Who checks and how do know whether this is not going to cause a problem later on?

Interesting questions indeed!!!

In Sri Lanka, a country where its people extremely hospitable and friendly, things work slightly differently unless you bump into serious, scary and stone-hearted property owners.

As a pre-requisite, the owner should have the inventory prepared. If the inventory is not prepared, a real estate agency could do the job.

In most cases, the inventory is casually run through and it does not take much time to sort the items in the property (if the property is not huge!)

Generally, inside the 1st week, you as a potential tenant must inform the owner of any discrepancies where the inventory is concerned.

If you could do this, then you can be sure there won't be a problem at the end.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please send an email to

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